Top Three Reasons You Should Host a Boho-Chic Tea Party Brunch

Who doesn't love a good tea party? There's something so charming and civilized about gathering around a table with your friends, nibbling on finger foods, and sipping tea from delicate china cups. If you're looking for an excuse to host a tea party brunch, we've got three reasons why you should do it!

Reason Number 1:

It's Fun! A boho-chic tea party is super stylish, gives your gathering a unique vibe, and is the perfect excuse to wear your fanciest clothes. Whether you dress up in vintage glamor or go for a more bohemian look. It's a fabulous way to celebrate a teen birthday, Easter, or just because you want to get together with your favorite people.

Reason Number 2:

It's Easy! Hosting a tea party doesn't have to be complicated. In fact, it can be pretty easy if you plan ahead. Just three easily accessible places to stop. Your local thrift store, usually next to a grocery for food, then pick up some dried naturals at Home Depot on your way home. And it's perfect for any time of year (even in the winter!).

Reason Number 3:

It's Affordable! A tea party doesn't have to cost a lot. If you thrift your decor or borrow from your Grandma's china collection, your party decor has that chic vibe. Plan a food pairing; you wow your guests with maximum flavor and less food waste. To create that bohemian look, add a touch of dried naturals laid on the table to repose to a vase for year-long enjoyment.

Our Pairings:

Pomegranate Green Tea

Fruity notes of the tea pair nicely with cantaloupe, salmon, and feta tea sandwiches. Finished with a dessert of dark chocolate, strawberries, and mascarpone cream.

Oolong Tea

The bitter flavor of Oolong is complemented by the caramel flavor of maple syrup, with waffles, bacon, and a touch of toffee flavored goat cheese. The sweetness of rich berries, caramel milk chocolate, and a touch of Gruyere cheese.

And it wouldn't be a tea party without macaroons and scones.

So now go grab some tasty food, good company, and of course, plenty of tea! And you will seamlessly pull off a Boho-chic Tea Party brunch on a budget without too much trouble.

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