10 Elegantly Sustainable Ways to Wrap Your Holidays Gifts

This holiday season, get creative with your wrapping paper! Ditch the store-bought paper that will end up in the trash and use items you already have around the house. Be sustainable and eco-friendly by using shirts, paper bags, and other repurposed items to wrap gifts. And instead of using plastic bows, try topping your presents with dried naturals like baby's breath or pinecones. With a bit of creativity, you can have beautiful and unique gifts that stand out under the tree. Here are ten of our favorite ways to do it.

Shirt Wrapping

1. One way to repurpose old items is to use them as wrapping materials. An old shirt makes for an excellent wrapping cloth - it's durable, flexible, and, best of all, free! If you don't have an old shirt lying around, you can always pick one up from a thrift store for just a few dollars.

2. Make your own gift bags out of old shirts. Simply cut two pieces of fabric in the shape of a bag, Sew the sides and bottom together, then turn the bag right side out. Voila! You've got a cute and unique gift bag that can be used throughout the year.

3. Use old Pillow cases and Sheets for extra large presents or to keep everything cohesive under the tree.

  • Cut out shapes from an old t-shirt and use them as gift tags. Simply write the recipient's name on the back of the shape with a Sharpie or other permanent marker. This is a great way to personalize your gifts without spending any money.

  • Use fabric scraps to make pretty bows for your gifts. If you have any fabric scraps lying around, put them to good use by making bows for your presents! Simply cut the fabric into strips, tie them in knots, and trim the ends into whatever shape you like.

Paper Bag Wrapping

4. Another great way to recycle materials is to use paper bags as wrapping paper. Brown paper bags are perfect for this - they are sturdy enough to hold heavier gifts. To wrap a paper bag gift, simply place the gift in the center of the bag and fold it over the top. You can either use them as is or dress them up with stamps, stickers, or other decorations. Be creative and have fun with it!

5. Wrap your gift in toilet paper rolls. This is a great way to recycle those empty toilet paper rolls and make something beautiful simultaneously! Just glue or tape them together into one long strip and wrap it around your gift like you would ribbon.

6. Use an old map as wrapping paper…

7. Or recycled junk mail!

  • Make your own tissue paper flowers to decorate your gifts with. This is a great way to add a personal touch to your presents without spending extra money.

  • Write a special note on a coffee filter and glue it onto the front of your gift as an adorable decoration. A simple way to add a personal touch to your presents without spending extra money. All you need is a coffee filter, some markers or gel pens, and glue.

Scarves & Bundling Twine

8. Scarves make for beautiful and unique wrapping materials. They are soft and delicate, perfect for wrapping breakable items like ornament sets or figurines. And if you have many smaller items to cover, you can bundle them together with some bundling twine for a rustic look. Simply tie the bundling twine around the stacked objects and knot at the top. Then take your scarf and wrap it around the stack of gifts, tying it in a bow at the top. This is a great way to repurpose old scarves that you don't wear anymore - plus, it's much more eco-friendly than using new wraps made from paper or plastic.

  • more delicate scarves can be used to create bows or "ribbons."

  • ties also make elegant ribbons

Boxes and Tins

9. If you have empty boxes lying around, put them to good use by decorating them with repurposed materials! Old buttons, fabric scraps, and other small trinkets make great embellishments for plain gift boxes. Simply glue or tape them onto the box in whatever design you like best.

10. Decorate recycled Altoid tins with scrapbook paper, buttons, glitter, etc. These make for great secret Santa gifts or stocking stuffers!

Step 1: Gather Your Supplies

To get started, you'll need a few supplies. First, obviously, you'll need whatever gifts you plan on wrapping. You'll also need your upcycled item, scissors, tape/glue dots/stapler. If you want to get really creative, look for unique fabric patterns or colors that stand out under the tree.

Step 2: Wrap the Gifts in Shirts or Paper Bags

You'll want to size up your gift to the material used for this step. To wrap it with a shirt, simply lay the shirt flat on a surface and place the present in the center. Fold up the bottom of the shirt so that it covers the bottom of the gift, then tie the sleeves around the gift in a bow. If you're using a paper bag, place the gift inside the bag and fold it over the top several times before stapling or taping it shut.

Step 3: Add Some Festive Flair

Once your gifts are wrapped, it's time to top them off. Dried naturals add a touch of rustic elegance to any gift - plus, they're environmentally friendly since they can be reused yearly. Pinecones are always a classic choice, but feel free to get creative! You could also use wreaths, pampas grass, or faux stems. If you don't have dried naturals on hand, you can always find them at your local Home Depot. Simply arrange whatever you're using on top of the gift until you're happy with how it looks. And that's it! You're now ready to give your uniquely wrapped gifts to friends and family.

There are many ways to repurpose old items into beautiful and unique wraps for Hanukkah and Christmas gifts. With a little creativity, you can save money and make something special for your friends and family this holiday season. We hope these ideas inspire you to get creative with your holiday gift wrapping this year. So put away those rolls of paper and head to your closet - your presents will thank you for it!

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