Dried Floral Corsage DIY

This lace corsage is perfect for expressing your softer, more feminine side. The intricate detailing of the lace, the tying of the ribbon into a bow, the delicate fragrance of the lavender, and the round shape of the eucalyptus is a perfect recipe for an elegant prom, homecoming, or wedding attire accent. Its neutral color palette also makes it an excellent corsage for any color theme you may or may not have already chosen.



  1. Gather supplies.

  2. Cut mesh into a small rectangle.

  3. Cut the ribbon length to tie around the wrist.

  4. Snip eucalyptus to the desired length.

  5. Arrange by tucking stems through the mesh.

  6. Clip oats and arrange in mesh.

  7. Cut lavender and fill in the empty area.

  8. Snip Nigella and place it in the center of the arrangement.

  9. Carefully stems glue to the back of the mesh.

  10. Align mesh in the center of the ribbon and sew mesh onto it from the back.

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