Posts in Home Decor
Floating Pampas Cloud

You're getting ready to throw a garden party and want to make a statement but aren't sure how. A floating pampas cloud is, without a doubt, going to do just that. It hangs delicately above your table, floating above everyone's heads, giving your guests something to admire, ask about, and inspire for their next garden party. Our floating pampas cloud is full of dried naturals such as different types of wheat, oats, and obviously pampas grass. The pampas grass gives it the cloud-like feel, while the other kinds of wheat and oats give it the color, intricate detail, and full-body effect. This floating cloud keeps in touch with the traditional floral centerpiece, although breaking tradition by moving the arrangement from being on the table to the top story. This specific floating pampas cloud will give your party a bohemian feel. You could switch out some dried naturals to accomplish a different theme, such as using dried lavender instead of oats for a more feminine tea party style.

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6 Primitive Uses of Lavender Still Popular Today

We absolutely love the comforting and heart-warming aroma of lavender. It is a naturally calming and revitalizing scent with the power to uplift, energize and relax all at once. Its elegant tubular shape comprised of soft bluish-violet hued flowers attached to long, broom-like green stems are a feast for the eyes. When in a field or a garden, they dance in the breeze. When dried and on display, they create a staggering abstract silhouette.

While pleasing to look upon and even more so, to take in their enchanting floral aroma, this ancient plant has provided countless uses with a multitude of benefits from the time it was first discovered over 2500 years ago. These uses still remain popular today.

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Valentine's Date Night-In

This Valentine’s Day, skip the overpriced meals or the hassle of figuring out who will watch the kids, and spice up a cozy corner in your house. Creating a bar cart using elements from around the house and handcrafted Love signs, is a design recipe for success. Giving you time to truly appreciate each other, talk about dreams and plans for the future, and fall in love all over again.

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